A downloadable game for Windows

Humans continue their exploration of space by traveling to Mars only to find an alien armada awaiting them.  Now, the Battle Over Mars begins!

  • Gain points by destroying the enemy ships.
  • Gain 5x points by successfully traversing your ships to the opposite end of the battle field.
  • When time runs out, the points leader gains bonus points by destroying all of the enemy ships still on the battle field and remaining ally ships safely travel to the other side of the battle field.
  • The icons under each player's score represent each ship's cool-down.

This game was made in 48 hours during the 2018 St. Louis Arcade Jame at the St. Louis Science Center.  It will be available to play on the Winnitron Arcade System when the new GameXPloration event opens on Oct. 13th, 2018.

Player 1 (Humans):
"Up" or "Down" arrows = Change lanes
"Right" or "Left" arrows = Change ship to deploy (Light / Medium / Heavy)
"." (Period) or "/" (Forward Slash) = Launch the selected ship

Player 2 (Aliens):
"W" or "S" keys = Change lanes
"A" or "D" keys = Change ship to deploy (Light / Medium / Heavy)
"`" (Tilde) or "1" keys = Launch the selected ship

Josh Baron - Design, Art & Animations, and Sound
Andrew Jackson - Design, Art, and Screen Design
Chris Jackson - Programming


BattleOverMars - Beta 0.1.zip 4.1 MB
BattleOverMars - Release 1.1.zip 11 MB

Install instructions

Unzip to a folder on your computer, then launch the StlGameJam2018.exe file to play the game.

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